• 302-645-6227
  • 217 Anglers Rd. Lewes DE 19958

Oct 5, 2018 Report

Lewes Harbour Marina - 10/5/2018 9:47:37 AM

The temperatures have cooled down a bit, and the fishing seems to be getting better with each day. The Delaware bay is showing some small signs of life with catches of citation sheepshead, triggers and black drum being caught on sand fleas and clam. Small bluefish are still plentiful in the bay as well. Some keeper sea trout have been caught up in the bay as well.

The surf fishing is beginning to get a little better with snapper blues, kingfish, some pompano and some decent size stripers. The mullet are still hanging out and keeping the fish biting. Hopefully, this cool spell will cool the waters enough togged the menhaden migration moving and then the big stripers to follow. And with some extra luck we can get the big bluefish to come in as well. We are very optimistic about the fall fishing season this year.

Boats traveling out to do some inshore runs have had very good luck finding the black sea bass, flounder and even mahi-mahi still, even after the storm. The sea bass and flounder fishing seems to be steady and on the rise. We have seen some very nice founder and sea bass brought to the table from the local chartered head boats.

Tautog season is open, and has been since July 1st of this year.Though the waters were and still are a little warm to catch the big ones, I’m sure if you put the time in, you could catch some keeper tog. LHM sponsors a Tautog tournament annually, it is now going on. The fees are, $5 per day per angler, or $30 for the entire month. All fees are cash only, and you can register every day at the shop.

We have fresh mullet and sand fleas being delivered fresh every morning. We also have green crabs, asian box crabs, and fresh clams. Not to mention a full line of bait for whatever fishing you are planning on doing. Stop in and see us for all your fishing and boating needs. Stay tuned for info on LHM’s annual striper tournament coming in November.

Until next week everyone, Tightlines, Tommy Serbin.

Aug 9, 2018 Report

Lewes Harbour Marina - 8/9/2018 12:00:00 AM

The wind should not be a factor this week….by all reports that I have seen it should be a good fishing week both inshore and offshore. This is what we have all been waiting for, a week without wind. The White Marlin Open kicked off today, hopefully we will have a waiting line at the scales this afternoon. There have been a good amount of good sized White marlin caught and released over the last 2 weeks. Good luck to all the boats and anglers in the tournament.

The flounder bite is starting to get better, and with the weather this week it should get better. Sites 10,11 and the old grounds have started to show better signs of life as far as the flounder fishing goes. The Delaware bay has turned up some fatties on the reef sites, but still not red hot. The kingfish, small bluefish, and sea trout along with some big sea robins being caught as well.

Catch and release shark fishing is still doing very well in the area, the sand tigers, duskies, and brown sharks will put up one heck of a fight. Most of our local charters do offer half/full day catch and release shark trips for the whole family.

Slot stripers in the canal are still biting everyday. We are seeing our share of keepers coming in everyday. They are being caught at Roosevelt inlet and in the Broadkill river as well as the canal by the drawbridge. Eels and bloodworms are working as well as soft swim baits.

Stop by and check out our selection of fishing tackle, rods, reels and an extensive selection of bait including offshore baits, inshore baits and bait for the back bay fishing. We also have a great apparel line up as well, from Salt Life, David Dunleavy, Huk, Guy Harvey and our own line of LHM T-shirts. We also carry Grundens foul weather gear. We are prepared to help you with all of your boating and fishing needs, stop by and see us.

The offshore bite is still doing well on the inshore lumps, chunking seems to be the working method now. We have butterfish, sardines and ballyhoo to round out your needs for offshore bait. We also carry all the terminal tackle and leader that you might need for your offshore trip.

Have a great week fishing everyone, Tightlines until next Monday. Tommy Serbin.


June 26, 2018 Report

Lewes Harbour Marina - 6/26/2018 12:00:00 AM

The fishing has started to pick up a little bit, the weather has been nice for beach goers but not ideal for anglers. The Delaware bay has been giving up some bigger kingfish, and some keeper sea trout. The numbers aren't off the charts but are steadily picking up. Some flounder have also been caught on the reef sites as well.

The canal has been good for anglers chasing flounder. I have seen the size getting bigger as summer starts to warm up. Anglers are fishing from Roosevelt Inlet down to the bridges and beyond. The baits and rigs that seem to be working are top-bottom rigs tipped with gulp and some minnows or long pieces of strip bait like mackerel fillets, bunker fillets or a nice long piece of squid. The colors are the standard glow, chartreuse, or pearl. Try to incorporate something with some flash to get the flounders attention. Keep the rig moving, and you will have more luck in landing the keepers.

The shark action out in the bay can absolutely be a fun day for everyone, lots of anglers are having a lot of fun catching and releasing the big sharks. We have all your sharking needs as far as bait, pre-made shark rigs, floats and balloons.

Have a safe and awesome 4th of July. Stop by and see us.

Thanks Everyone and Tightlines, Tommy Serbin
